Visite audio-visuelle de Petite Plaisance

Petite Plaisance, la demeure de Marguerite Yourcenar dans le Maine ne sera pas ouverte cette année en raison de la pandémie. Vous trouverez ici une lettre que nous a adressée Jayne Persson, Présidente de Petite Plaisance Conservation Fund.

Vous pourrez accéder à une visite audio-visuelle sous la conduite de Joan Howard en allant à cette adresse pour une visite en français et à celle-là pour une visite en anglais.

Des travaux de restauration sont en cours. Les contributions sont les bienvenues et peuvent être adressées à : Petite Plaisance Conservation Fund sur son site ou par courrier :  P.O. Box 1112, Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662

Greetings from the Petite Plaisance Conservation Fund,

For the first time in its 32 years as a house museum, Petite Plaisance will be closed for tours in 2020. It is simply not possible to practice social distancing in the small rooms of Madame Yourcenar’s home, and our foremost priority at this time has to be keeping people safe.

We are taking advantage of this chance to do additional exterior rehabilitation work, which usually has to be squeezed into the short seasons of favorable weather before and after we open. Thanks to our donors’ generosity, the clapboards on the ell at the front of Petite Plaisance are being replaced, and we will tackle other important projects once that job has been completed.

In lieu of our usual fundraising letter, we invite you to take an audiovisual tour of Petite Plaisance with the director, Joan Howard. This is our first dip into virtual programming, and we hope that you enjoy it. Please click here for the tour en français or here  for the version in English.

Preservation is at the core of our mission, but we never lose sight of our larger goal of ensuring the continuation of Petite Plaisance as a house museum. We receive most of our donations at the house during the visiting season. We would be most grateful if you would consider helping us bridge the gap this year. Contributions may be made to the Petite Plaisance Conservation Fund on our website or by mail to P.O. Box 1112, Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662. Thank you.

Take good care, and happy viewing,

Jayne Persson, President